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Our company "Compressors International" has taken part in the VIІІ International Conference «UKRCEMFOR 2019», where it presented a video presentation on Gardner Denver's premium-class efficiency solution.

On May 28-29, 2019, the VIІІ International Conference "UKRCEMFOR 2019: Cement Industry" was held at the Olympiysky NSC Championship Hall. Best Practices. Development prospects".

The organizer of the Forum is the Association of Ukrainian Cement Manufacturers "UKRCEMENT". Partners - Ivano-FrankivskCement, CRH Group, Dyckerhoff Ukraine, Heidelbergcement Ukraine, PJSC Europeancement Ukraine.

Our company "Compressors International"   has taken part in the VIІІ International Conference «UKRCEMFOR 2019», where it presented a video presentation on Gardner Denver's premium-class efficiency solution.

Participation in UkrCemForum gave Compressors International the opportunity to strengthen partnerships and exchange experiences with specialists in their field.

The conference is the largest sectoral event in Ukraine, which takes place only once every two years and brings together about 300 representatives of companies and organizations from over 10 countries of the world. "UKRCEMFOR 2019" is already in the air. Traditionally, the event has become a platform for discussions and dialogue that unites key players in the cement industry not only in Ukraine but also in Europe. 


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