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Individual Service Point

Compressors International Company offers a unique service - an individual Service Point directly at your enterprise. A convenient and easy way to maintain the superior performance of your compressor equipment.

For enterprises with a continuous production cycle, where increased demands are placed on the reliability of pneumatic systems and compressor equipment, and where large compressor stations are installed, Compressors International offers the installation of a small service center with the services of a qualified service engineer. Thus, you receive service for your equipment directly on the place of its operation. The service engineer monitors the operation of the equipment, its basic parameters, performs daily inspections and the necessary maintenance.

You no longer need to wait for the arrival of the service team - the service center is near you

In the event of a malfunction of the equipment, the service engineer, being directly at the enterprise, will be able to quickly eliminate the problem that has arisen, thus reducing downtime.

Learn how to make the service affordable and convenient - 0800 33 33 30 or contact our regional offices. 

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0800 33 33 30



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