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Gardner Denver has updated the ESM / ESMe / VS 55-75
The ESM / ESMe / VS 55-75 range of fixed and variable speed air compressors has been updated and can now be ordered with an integrated refrigerant dryer.
Ingersoll Rand distributors meeting. Brno - 25 October 2023
Our company Compressors International took part in the Ingersoll Rand Distributor Meeting held in Brno (Czech Republic) on 25 October 2023. At this event we received the Priority Partnership Excellence 2022 award.
Heat recovery: significant cost savings and reduced carbon footprint with CompAir innovations
Do you want to save money and reduce your environmental impact? Heat recovery is your key to achieving these goals. Open up a new world of possibilities, where residual heat turns into your benefit. After all, energy efficiency is critical today, both for present and future generations.
Technical data becomes available faster
Did you know that QR codes can be used for more than just looking at a restaurant menu or adding a new friend on social media?
FourCore - technology for efficient compressor solutions
With energy costs rising globally, it is more important than ever to reassess the efficiency of compressed air systems. CompAir's FourCore range of air compressors is the epitome of performance, compactness and energy efficiency.


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