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A new level of energy efficiency with ESM-VS 160e-290e compressors
We introduce you the new energy-efficient models, which have its own principles: manufacturability, efficiency and environmental friendliness.
Compressors International officially presents Gardner Denver and CompAir
Compressors International announces the signing of a formal agreement to introduce Ingersoll Rand energy-efficient compressor equipment to the Ukrainian market of 2 legendary brands: Gardner Denver and CompAir.
Welcome brand new energy saving refrigerant air dryers F series
Gardner Denver is always surprising with new technology. The new F ES series - GDD9F-ES to GDD430F-ES models are high efficiency energy saving cycling refrigerant air dryers.
Updated lineup of bestsellers ESM2 - ESM6
We are announcing an update of the model range with the new ESM 2- ESM 6. A completely new platform for our minimum series of 2 kW-7.5 kW Gardner Denver screw compressors.
Оновлений модельний ряд надпотужних гвинтових повітряних компресорів продуктивністю від 10,69 до 14,7 м3/хв від компанії Gardner Denver вже на нашому сайті!
У розробцi компресорiв Gardner Denver cepiї ESM/VS 55-80 продуктивністю від 10,69 до 14,7 м3/хв були задiянi найновiтнiшi технологiї, iнновацiї та iнженернi розробки.


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