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Compressors International offers unique compressor stations

Compressors International has more than 15 years of experience in the compressor equipment market, and offers comprehensive and modern solutions. Particular attention is paid to savings in electricity consumption, because it is this factor that is one of the main factors when choosing technological and energy equipment. Compressors International is a recognized leader in the market for the development and implementation of turnkey high-tech solutions.

In connection with the rise in prices for major energy carriers, Compressors International has developed its own unique solution for enterprises where it is necessary to supply compressed air with automatic control and remote control. The modular automatic compressor station was developed on the basis of a standard container certified by the Lloyd register, which optimizes logistics and loading operations.


This solution is unique, since all the necessary equipment from leading world manufacturers has been prepared and tested on the basis of Compressors International. The modular compressor station is commissioned using a minimum number of operations, namely the supply of communication, power lines and compressed air pipelines. Such a station does not require capital buildings and large areas, it is mobile and can be moved into close proximity to local consumers of compressed air.


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